Work Progress – Message from our President

April 25, 2017:  So, what’s been going on? This past Saturday we got some more ultra sounding done, trained some more people on how to do ultra sounding, and discussed some plans about how to keep this project moving forward.

On the previous Monday, Matt, who is doing an excellent job of being our mechanical lead, held a meeting where he presented projects and got commitments from people to head up certain projects The projects as I understand them are as follows:

  • Remove throttle bracket – Kyle Chappell is heading this up
  • Remove the butt ends of tubes and flues that have been cut out – Jim V is heading this up
  • Remove piping that needs to be replaced – Jeff Honeyman is heading this up
  • Safe end the removed flues and tubes – Matt is heading this up
  • Clean and prep the front flue sheet for ultra sounding – Mark Siegel is heading this up
  • Clean inside of boiler – Jim V is heading this up.

Other things being discussed:

Various plans as to how to get two fully functioning air pumps on the engine. Several plans are in the incubating stage, and we will choose a direction in the near future.



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