Work Progress – Message from our President


Here’s what’s been going on

  1. Ultra sounding continues to progress at a stately pace. This is the one thing which seems to regularly happen on Saturdays. We are still working in the “stayed” area (firebox, combustion chamber, wrapper sheet, throat sheet) where things are held together with stay bolts, and we are supposed to take measurements every 4 inches. Once we are done with this area, things should speed up. We did find one thin spot in the fire box, but it won’t be much of a problem to fix.
  2. Two of the three blow downs have been taken off and I am working on getting some work done on them. Third one will come off eventually for some work as well.
  3. Jeff and crew are making good progress removing all the badly pitted plumbing that needs to be replaced, and plans are in the works for getting this stuff replaced.
  4. We are actually starting to talk about putting the engine back together, and I have been talking with a boiler company about doing any pressure vessel repairs that we find and rolling and beading the tubes once we have stuffed them back in.
  5. Steve snagged us another nice sized grant and we still have some money coming from us from another grant…. Super heater sales have fallen way off, so if anyone wants to “buy” another super heater, they are available.
  6. New super heaters continue to arrive on the property, and Gary O. is making steady progress on them.

That’s what I can think of.
