Work Progress – Message from our President

January 29, 2017:  “So yesterday, we got back to work and got some more ultra sounding done. It’s slow going, because we started on the back head which is complicated to test because of all the plumbing and controls that have to be worked around. But, we are getting her done. Matt is also planning on have a “tube party” soon to start removing some tubes.

Can’t remember if I talked about having the flues and tubes cleaned a couple weeks ago, but in case I didn’t… We hired a chimney cleaning crew to clean the flues and tubes, because they were full of hard scaly stuff. The showed up with a vacuum truck and all the right tools. So, tubes and flues are now clean as a whistle. Took the cleaning crew guy a pretty long time.

Gary Oslund has started building super heaters, and has at least one set ready for testing.”

Charles W. Harrison, Ph.D – PRPA President

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