More Firebox Repairs

Today we started welding on repairs to the firebox!!! The decision was made to start on the largest repair area.  Our technical department had an issue with this, but it was resolved. Todd took about 4 hours to position and align the patch. Randy Woehl assisted him as this was a heavy repair.  It took […]

Sand Dome

The crew removed the sand dome this week. Prior ultrasound inspections were done by testing from inside the boiler with the sand dome in place. However, since our larger reason for removing it completely today was to replace and reinstall the new plumbing, steam supply lines, it was an added bonus that we will be […]

Ultra-Sounding Continues

We got a lot of ultrasounding done on the left (fireman’s) side. The readings were good….even excellent. We even got readings done back in behind the air pumps.

Clean Up

Jim Vanderbeck smoothing out the areas where stay bolt covers had been removed. This is to remove the slag that remained after they were taken off.

Boiler Update

Upon reviewing some of our ultrasound results, we hired a local Industrial and Mechanical Contracting company (CH Murphy) to assist us in the removal of sections that need repaired and/or replaced. In this image, a CH Murphy employee is cutting out some of the throat sheet. As you can see in the image, the floor […]

Beveling Flue Tube Ends

Here is a video of something you don’t see every day! Enjoy CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO


The Pacific Railroad Preservation Association presented these custom jackets today to Greg Fitzgerald, the Executive Director of the Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation, and to Renee Devereux, the ORHF Executive Assistant. These jackets were given to them to show them both how VERY much we appreciate all that they have done, and continue to do for […]

4th New Superheater Successfully Test Fitted

Yesterday, the guys did the labor intensive task of lifting a superheater from ground level, up in and through the smokebox, to be tested for a fit.  Having a forklift was quite helpful, but still, it took several guys to accomplish the task at hand.  The good news is that everything worked out as hoped.  […]

Swaging Party

Last Saturday, a special work party was called together to start completing the safe-ends on the 50 ton press using a die that was created by Harlan Hoult. The safe ends do two things : they replace the material lost to torch cutting from the end sheets and the swaged end is to fit in […]

Greg Kamholz Memorial & Eulogy

On Wednesday, February 21st, the Pacific Railroad Preservation Association lost Senior Engineer Greg Kamholz to pancreatic cancer. Greg was one of the primary engineers running the SP&S 700 since it’s return to steam in the 1990’s. Not only was he a primary engineer for the engine, he was also one of our most knowledgeable steam […]