We greatly appreciate donations as we have a large mission and a very large, expensive locomotive to operate. Your donation can make the difference between a year “in the black” and a year “in the red.” Just use the button to contribute cash electronically (you’ll be prompted to enter the amount on the next page) or send in your check together with your name, address, and email (optional) to: PRPA Donations, P.O. Box 2851, Portland, OR 97208.
As we are a 501(c)(3) organization, all donations to the PRPA are completely tax-deductible, and you will receive a letter or an email receipt for tax purposes.
You can also donate railroad-related items to the PRPA. We sell railroadiana at swap meets and various other events, and we also hold auctions on our eBay site. Contact concessions to arrange your donation at concessions "at" sps700 "dot" org.